St Cuthberts Mill in Wells, Somerset are truly experts in their field and all their papers are made to exacting standards and undergo rigorous quality control so we are confident that this paper will always perform well for you. It's attractive surface is created using natural woollen felts that give it a distinctive random texture. Appreciated for it's excellent colour lifting abilities, this is an extremely forgiving watercolour paper valued by professional and amateur artists around the world.
Bockingford offers quality watercolour paper at an affordable price and it is a fantastic place to start your watercolour journey - it won't let you down but the price won't put you off having a play!
Here are the spiral bound (wirebound on the short side), gummed pads (glued on the short side), blocks (glued on all four sides - prestretched) and the extremely popular RKB Fat Pads offering fantastic value for your money. All are available in the different surfaces: HP (Smooth), NOT/CP (normally textured), and Rough (very textured).