Saunders Waterford High White Watercolour Paper 30 x 22" - 300lb Rough

£18.47 In Stock
300lb The heaviest weight in the Saunders Waterford range, will take heavy watercolour washes with minimal distortion, ideal for wet in wet techniques.
Saunders Waterford is an exquisite watercolour paper, traditionally made on a cylinder mould machine by St Cuthbert's Mill in Wells, Somerset. This is their superior quality watercolour paper and comes with the Royal Watercolour Society's endorsement - it is highly recommended by many of our professional watercolour customers and probably the most popular watercolour paper we sell. Made using 100% cotton, the highest quality papermaking material, to high archival standards. Its attractive surface is created using natural woollen felts that give it a distinctive random texture. It is internally sized making it strong and resilient to scrubbing, and other rough treatments, but not as strong a surface as the very hard Arches papers.
Available in White which is quite a warm natural white, and High White, which is more like you would expect from Arches or Fabriano papers.
Saunders Waterford® is a top quality professional watercolour paper.
NOT (Cold Pressed) - The most popular and "midddle" texture surface / HP (Hot Pressed) - The smoothest surface / Rough - The most textured.

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